Improving error handling

This is part 4 of a series. You should probably start at the first part.

Okey, so last time we added some validations, but we had two issues at least :

  • the weird maybeToString function
  • Maybes all over the place felt weird
  • The rule “expectancy should be bigger than current age” was not validated.

Not reinventing the wheel

Turns out maybeToString can at least be done shorter by composing Maybe.withDefault and

maybeToString : Maybe Int -> String
maybeToString x =
        |> toString
        |> Maybe.withDefault ""

I’ll leave it as a separate function, because, well, it’s small enough. And it turns out I might actually not need it.

A ‘Period’ vs ‘two strings in fields’

My main problem is that I want to keep track of a period, but, let’s face it : most of the time, I don’t really have a period. So let’s make peace with that, and just write :

type alias Model =
    { age : String
    , expected : String

type alias Period =
    { age : Int
    , expected : Int

Impresive, isn’t it ?

And I will add a function that converts those two strings to a period, or to an error type that indicates what is the problem.

type PeriodError
    = InvalidValues
    | InvalidAge
    | InvalidExpected
    | InvalidRange

Yes, I guess that covers all possible cases.

toPeriod : Model -> Result PeriodError Period
toPeriod model =
        age =
                |> String.toInt

        expected =
                |> String.toInt
        case ( age, expected ) of
            ( Err _, Err _ ) ->
                Err InvalidValues

            ( Err _, _ ) ->
                Err InvalidAge

            ( _, Err _ ) ->
                Err InvalidExpected

            ( Ok age, Ok expected ) ->
                if age <= expected then
                    Ok { age = age, expected = expected }
                    Err InvalidRange

This boringly parses stuff, and returns an error. This is also a natural place to check the ages.

From then on, everything just rolls on.

-- Yes, the model is now only strings
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
    { age = "35"
    , expected = "90"

-- Actions are still the same
type Msg
    = Start
    | ChangeAge String
    | ChangeExpected String

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( initialModel
    , Cmd.none

-- Actions simply udate the models
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update action model =
    case action of
        Start ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )

        ChangeAge a ->
            ( { model | age = a }, Cmd.none )

        ChangeExpected e ->
            ( { model | expected = e }, Cmd.none )

The views are hardly changed, except that we don’t need to coerce back into a String, since we hold… a String.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div [ class "page" ]
        [ inputs model
        , tailendView model

inputs : Model -> Html Msg
inputs model =
    div []
        [ input
            [ placeholder "Age"
            , value model.age
            , onInput ChangeAge
        , input
            [ placeholder "Expected"
            , value model.expected
            , onInput ChangeExpected

And displaying the tailend becomes trivial.

tailendView : Model -> Html Msg
tailendView model =
        period =
            toPeriod model
        case period of
            Err e ->
                periodError e

            Ok p ->
                periodView p

With either a nice view :

periodView : Period -> HtmlMsg
periodView p =
        crossed =

        uncrossed =
            p.expected - p.age
        div [ class "tailend-view" ]
            ((List.repeat crossed crossedItem) ++ (List.repeat uncrossed uncrossedItem))

Or an error message :

periodError : PeriodError -> Html Msg
periodError error =
        message =
            case error of
                InvalidValues ->
                    "Please type an age and expected age"

                InvalidAge ->
                    "Please type an age"

                InvalidExpected ->
                    "Please type an expected age"

                InvalidRange ->
                    "Your expected age should be bigger than your age"
        div [] [ text message ]

So, roughly speaking, things work. But, there is a ‘but’ :

  • everything is in the same file. I’m not sure how to refactor this. For example, ideally I would like to move the ‘inputs’ function, but it needs to ‘Msg’ type.
  • Better yet, I would like to hide everything related to the period picker in a module. But it seems like creating a ‘Period Picker’ component, and evan tells me not to do that !

So that’s the next thing to look into, probably…

As usual, the code is on Github