You should write blogs, too...
Or, at least, Steve Yegge said so - before completely stopping to write blogs a couple months (years ?) ago (probably after the infamous “Amazon rant” incident.
So here I am.
I used to have a stupid blog (in french) about the news called La semaine qui…. For about three years, I wrote one article a week about the past events (usually during the week-end, with a varying publishing schedule.)
I stopped in October 2015, because :
- reading the news is bad for your health.
- reading about French news is really depressing.
- making jokes about depressing stuff is what real comedians do (before they start visiting rehab centers), and I'm not a real comedian (I just play one on stage, in between my day-job as a Software Engineer.)
- I yet had to write an hour of sketches to even consider myself an unreal comedian, so I needed the time.
So this blog will be about anything but the news.
Most probably, software and tech. (Did I mention I’m a software engineer ?)
I’ve been missing “learning a new language every 6 months”.
Hopefully, one of the next topic will be Elm, the language with the most polite compiler :
--- This is purely teasing
module Tailend exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import String exposing (toInt)
type ValidationError
= NoAge
| InvalidAge
| NoExpected
| InvalidExpected
| InvalidRange
--- Did I mention I'm just teasing ;) ?
--- That, and testing Jekyll (poor) support for syntax highlighting.
(Or maybe I’ll just waste spend a few hours figuring how to get the syntax highlighter to work as I want.)
Now go out, and write your own blog, too.
Steve said so.